Welcome to marginfi

marginfi is a fully-decentralized borrowing and lending protocol built on Solana. With marginfi, you can access native yield, embedded risk systems, and off-chain data plug-ins all in one place. Use marginfi to access the margin you need, when you need it.


End-to-End Risk Engine: Constantly monitors the health of each individual bank, covering the entire protocol's risk comprehensively.

In-House Liquidators: While marginfi has in-house liquidators, the protocol also encourages and includes a significant number of external liquidators to ensure a robust and efficient liquidation process.

Market Depth and Recovery Modeling: Gathers data to model market depth and recovery time, enabling predictions of future liquidity in various market scenarios.

Dynamic Risk System: Plans to implement live bank updates directly from risk models for a dynamic and real-time risk management system.

Global Borrowing and Lending: The protocol enables borrowing and lending of margin under a unified global context, streamlining the process for traders.

Leverage Trading: marginfi supports trading with leverage, empowering traders to maximize their market participation.

Comprehensive Market Access: Traders can optimize their financial exposure across over 100 DeFi projects on Solana, including spot, futures, and options markets.


Want to learn more about our products? Read the user guides we've created for you!

mrgnloop User Guide

Learn how arbitrage interest rates across a diverse range of assets.

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mrgnlend User Guide

Learn about borrowing and lending on the margnlend protocol.

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LST User Guide

Learn about what LST is and how to get it.

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PWA User Guide

Download marginfi as a native mobile application with this guide.

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Need a grant for your integration with marginfi's liquidity layer? Start here.


Interested in becoming a liquidator on marginfi? Start here.

Media Package

Use this media pack to access marginfi's official branding assets.


Realtime 24h analytics on all activity on the marginfi protocol.

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